The Covenant Journey: From Conversation to Conviction

Feb 9, 2025    Mike Abbott

In this powerful exploration of faith, we delve into the story of Abraham and God's covenant, as found in Genesis 15 and 17. We're reminded that our relationship with God begins with conversation - He welcomes our questions, doubts, and even our suggestions. Just as Abraham struggled with God's promises, we too may find ourselves questioning how God will fulfill His word in our lives.

Yet, the heart of faith is beautifully captured in the pivotal moment when 'Abram believed the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.' This journey from conversation to conviction mirrors our own spiritual growth, challenging us to trust in God's promises even when circumstances seem impossible. As we reflect on God's faithfulness to Abraham - in giving him a new name, a new nature, and a miraculous birth - we're encouraged to embrace our own transformation in Christ.

Let's consider: How are we allowing God to rename and reshape us? Are we truly living as 'new creations' in faith?